Monday, November 8, 2010

the weekend.

Guy Fawkes Day:
November fifth is Guy Fawkes Day here in England. Guy Fawkes was in charge of protecting the explosives that were to be used in the Gunpowder Plot set out by Robert Catesby, in his plan to assassinate King James I and restore a Catholic monarch. However, authorities were tipped off that there might be something suspicious in Westminster Palace, so on November fifth 1605, they searched and found Guy Fawkes guarding the explosives in a storage room beneath the House of Lords. He was then questioned and tortured the following days and finally gave the details about the plot. Before his scheduled execution on January 31, he jumped from the platform where he was to be hanged, breaking his neck, and avoiding the drawing and quartering that was to come.  So in remembrance of him, people shoot off fireworks and have bonfires. (I think it might help to get an insider's take on this one. . .) 

Saturday evening we took a walk to the Victorian Christmas Fair in town! which looked promising, except that vendors were packing up early. There were stands with knitted items, spices, cheese, Harry Potter treasures, stones and gems, nuts and dried fruit, Turkish Delight, cookies and breads, jewelry, hot chocolate and cider, AND the vendors were dressed in Victorian attire. Quite lovely, really. We picked up a very tasty cupcake along the way. 

Fantasy Football took off on Sunday evening, and so far my team is looking pretty good, Ray is also winning. Plus, I saw the Saints won, LSU won, and the Hornets won. Nicely done!

Yesterday I decided we needed a treat, so I baked cinnamon rolls. And they are delicious.

Ray gives them a thumbs up. 

Here is a picture I've been meaning to post, of the new scarf I found at a vintage clothing store in the arcade.


Erin said...

those rolls look delicious! where is the icing?? pizzas look good too. i'm hungry. glad your fantasy team is doing well! trey would be proud- i will tell him.

LAUREN said...

I just posted a picture of one with icing just for you! I tried a new icing recipe with cream cheese and it's a keeper. When I'm home maybe we'll make pizza together!