Friday, October 22, 2010

chocolate chip cookies; good with a cuppa!

I baked chocolate chip cookies this afternoon for the second time this week. Kind of crazy, I know, but we devoured the first batch, so I made another batch! I got the recipe from; an excellent food blog with plenty of tasty recipes. (I used the recipe titled "our favorite chocolate chip cookies."
(Tasty Treats.)

Yesterday I went to an arcade in town; a kind of shopping plaza. In case, like me, you hear arcade and think of a game arcade, hear's a picture of the Cleveland Arcade (thanks to Wikipedia).

The arcade I visited is much smaller than this one pictured, but it was a really neat place. I found an art supplies store, a used bookstore, a vintage clothing store, and a nice cookware store on the top of which is a place where you can sit for tea and biscuits!
I have been drinking quite a bit of tea here. There's plenty of it and it's very good. A cup of tea is often called a "cuppa." 
Nice, isn't it?
One more language tidbit: a common greeting here is "Heya!" and of course, "Cheers!"

Ray and I ended the day with a visit to the Asian Market; the Dong Dong Market on Beast Market Road. Next maybe I'll find the Beast Market?

Cheers for now!

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